My first encounter with Kimchi Fries

I’ve heard this whole “Kimchi” term bandied about, and from all of the raving I figured at some point I would have to buckle down and try it. I really had no idea what it was though. So on Tuesday night, S and I were trying to figure out dinner and he suggested a Korean BBQ place right by my apartment which had come highly recommended. After 30  minutes of looking at menus, yelp and google maps for all of our restaurant options, Korean BBQ it was. We got a sandwich, a taco and the kimchi fries to split.

We called in our order for pickup and promptly realized that we only had 14 minutes until New Girl started (the Zooey Deschanel show on Fox – LOVE). And, as you may or may not know, not only do I not have a DVR, I do not have cable. That’s right, no cable. I legitimately bought a rabbit-ear antenna from Radio Shack this year. At the time S tried to convince me it was impossible to get tv from an antenna and my mom asked me if it was legal. You can and it is.

We scurried out (in the rain no less) and sped walked to the BBQ place so we could make it back for the start of New Girl. At times, we were weirdly walking in a single file line – narrow sidewalks. I can only imagine the things people were thinking as we were passing them on the left. But we managed to make it to and from the restaurant with one minute to spare!

It was all delicious, but these fries. Oh heaven. The base fries themselves were good to begin with but the kimchi, cheese, pork belly and sour cream on top took them to an incredibly intense flavor level.

And what is kimchi? I looked it up. According to my trusty friend Wikipedia, kimchi is a fermented vegetable dish made with a variety of seasonings, traditional in Korean cuisine. So like a Korean sauerkraut I guess? Anyways, it was awesome.

Bottom line, if you come across a menu with kimchi fries on it, ORDER THEM.

And the New Girl episode was hilarious as usual.


5 thoughts on “My first encounter with Kimchi Fries

  1. Have you eaten any food from food trucks? Kimchi fries reminds me of a food truck in the Bay Area (Mogo’s), they also have a Korean BBQ version of sliders and burritos. Yummy! P.S. The best thing I ever had in a food truck was a soft shell crab sandwich and macaroni and cheese ball deep fried in truffle oil. Talk about savory! Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

    • You know, the food truck scene isn’t one that I’ve explored much but I need to! There are a couple of trucks in the Chicago area I’ve heard about and I really want to visit some of them this summer. If I’m in the Bay Area I’ll definitely take you up on the Mogo’s suggestion – Korean BBQ and I get along very well :) I think I’d probably die of happiness if I ever come across mac & cheese fried in truffle oil.

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